Die Aktivität der Therapeut*in in der Personzentrierten Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie – Wann ist diese sinnvoll, nötig und „erlaubt“?

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Published May 1, 2020
Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff Manuela Maiworm Klaus Riedel Hildegard Steinhauser


Therapist activity within person-centered Therapy with young people — when does this make sense or is necessary? Since the publication of Axlines’s concept of non-directive play therapy different developments esp. in the German speaking countries took place. Based on a therapeutic relationship coined by unconditioned regard, empathy and congruence several interventions enrich the therapeutic process. These interventions shall attune to the child/adolescent and his or her specific needs. The paper offers a concept for the more active therapist interventions. Examples of therapeutic situations illustrate this.

How to Cite

Fröhlich-Gildhoff, Klaus, Manuela Maiworm, Klaus Riedel, and Hildegard Steinhauser. 2020. “Die Aktivität Der Therapeut*in in Der Personzentrierten Kinder- Und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie – Wann Ist Diese Sinnvoll, nötig Und „erlaubt“?”. PERSON 24 (1):46-59. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v24i1.2384.


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person-centered psychotherapy with children and adolescents, therapeutic intervention, psychotherapy process, client-centered


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