Störungen des Sozialverhaltens – Handlungsleitlinien zur Behandlung bei Personzentrierter Psychotherapie mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und Bezugspersonen

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Published May 1, 2012
Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff Hans Uwe Rose


Disorders in social behaviour: Therapeutic Guidelines for Person-centered Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents and Care Takers. Disorders in social behaviour are one of the most frequent conduct disorders occurring in childhood and adolescence, and are very often detracting their social environment. Based on the person-centered approach, therapeutic orientations with concepts for a differential diagnosis, an elaborated understanding of the disorder and a case-specific plan of the psychotherapeutic process are developed. They combine the unconditional appreciation of the client as a person and the readiness to confront the client with their diverging behaviour. They distinguish the initial, the middle/central, and the final phase of the psychotherapy, each requiring individual planning. Recommendations for the therapeutic attitude for every phase are given, such as therapeutic strategies for direct interaction with the client, or methods of intervention during the therapeutic process. Finally the article gives suggestions for the cooperation with the parents and other persons relevant to the client.

How to Cite

Fröhlich-Gildhoff, Klaus, and Hans Uwe Rose. 2012. “Störungen Des Sozialverhaltens – Handlungsleitlinien Zur Behandlung Bei Personzentrierter Psychotherapie Mit Kindern, Jugendlichen Und Bezugspersonen”. PERSON 16 (1):46-58.


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therapeutic orientations, conduct behavior disorders, disorders in social behavior, differentiate therapeutic process planning, client-centered therapy


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