Mentalisieren und Personzentrierte Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie – passt das zusammen?

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Published May 1, 2017
Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff Stephan Jürgens-Jahnert


Mentalizing and PCA — does that fit? The concept of mentalizing is disseminating across its origin, the psychoanalytic theory. This article investigates the similarities with the Person Centered Approach (PCA), esp. the Person Centered Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. The analysis of the transliteration of a children psychotherapy sequence shows the potential of the mentalizing concept. The question when Person Centered Psychotherapists should intervene more actively to empower children’s self-development should be discussed.

How to Cite

Fröhlich-Gildhoff, Klaus, and Stephan Jürgens-Jahnert. 2017. “Mentalisieren Und Personzentrierte Kinder- Und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie – Passt Das Zusammen?”. PERSON 21 (1):23-33.


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mentalizing, mentalized based therapy, Person Centered Psychotherapy, therapist’s activity


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