Die therapeutische Beziehung diesseits und jenseits des Gewahrseins

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Published Nov 1, 2021
Jobst Finke


The therapeutic relationship on both sides of awareness. Different relationship concepts can be derived from the therapy theory developed by Rogers in different creative phases. These concept-led forms of relationship are taken under consideration with regard to their practical consequences for therapy. The contradictions and the consequences for the formation of concepts are discussed. The explicit therapeutic relationship is juxtaposed with an implicit relationship with his unconscious exchange processes between therapist and client. The possible relationship phenomena here, even those that are undesirable, are debated. In the context of the therapeutic relationship the function of the therapist’s resonance is demonstrated.

How to Cite

Finke, Jobst. 2021. “Die Therapeutische Beziehung Diesseits Und Jenseits Des Gewahrseins”. PERSON 25 (2):123-34. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v25i2.2339.


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relationship concepts, implicit relationship, therapeutic resonance


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