Entwurf für ein Handlungsmodell zur ethischen Reflexion in der Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie

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Published Nov 1, 2012
Sylvia Keil Jürgen Kroemer Brigitte Pelinka Johanna Swoboda


Ethical Reflection in Client-Centered Psychotherapy — a Concept for an Action-Model. Psychotherapeutic action always contains an ethical dimension. However, this is hardly reflected outside of specific dilemma situations. Codes of ethics, supervision and the client-centered attitude experienced and learned during apprenticeship sensitize to ethical issues. This is hardly enough to support practitioners in their request to review professional conduct by general ethical criteria. Based on the justification-oriented, ethical coherentism a model is presented that shows how ethical reflection of complex practical situations can be structured. In matrix form on the horizontal axes, the model takes into account the personal, client-centered, ethical, empirical professional and general ethical areas. The vertical axes of the matrix allow to expatiate on implicit norms, values and principles, which are derived from the above areas. The felt shift, which is caused by the reflection process along the matrix, is considered as an indicator of a morally correct decision. An additional quality criterion is met if the options for action arising from the felt shift are in comprehensible accord to standards and values.

How to Cite

Keil, Sylvia, Jürgen Kroemer, Brigitte Pelinka, and Johanna Swoboda. 2012. “Entwurf für Ein Handlungsmodell Zur Ethischen Reflexion in Der Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie”. PERSON 16 (2):150-62. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v16i2.2618.


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ethics, coherentism, professional action


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