Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie in Österreich Eine Bestandsaufnahme aus praxeologischer Sicht

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Published May 1, 2003
Christian Korunka Wolfgang W. Keil Kristin Haug-Eskevig


Out-patient client-centred psychotherapy in Austria. State of the art from a practitioner’s perspective. This study aimed at describing the implementation of client-centred psychotherapy in Austria from a practitioner’s perspective. Therefore client-centred psychotherapists (members of the ÖGwG) and others were asked to describe their “last properly finalised client-centred psychotherapeutic cases”. The data from 92 therapists refer to 175 processes of individual therapy and allow a description of a largely representative picture of client-centred practice. Consistent with earlier studies, the spectrum of client-centred psychotherapy stretches from short-term therapy to longer therapy processes, the larger part of them lasting 20 — 80 hours. Client-centred therapy is applied — in the sense of a wide ranging concept — for very different disorders, including very severe ones. The results are largely in agreement with a study done by Eckert (1994) in Germany. In all, the study confirms that client-centred psychotherapy is well anchored in out-patient mental health care in Austria.

How to Cite

Korunka, Christian, Wolfgang W. Keil, and Kristin Haug-Eskevig. 2003. “Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie in Österreich: Eine Bestandsaufnahme Aus Praxeologischer Sicht”. PERSON 7 (1):70-80. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v7i1.2939.


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Client-centred psychotherapy, psychotherapy research, out-patient psychotherapy


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