Selbststrukturen bei narzisstischen Störungen und Borderline-Persönlichkeiten

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Published May 1, 2005
Hermann Spielhofer


Self-structures in narcissistic disorders and borderline personalities. In this article the significance of disorder-oriented concepts for both the development of theories and the practice of psychotherapy is described on the basis of personality disorders, particularly of narcissistic and borderline disorders. As opposed to neurotic disorders, where the incongruence between self and organismic experience is in the foreground, the disturbance of the self-concept is regarded as the primary cause of personality disorders.

In order to describe and find reasons for narcissistic and borderline disorders it seems necessary, to illustrate the development and structure of the self. For this the author refers to theoretical concepts of self-psychology, object theory and empirical infant research in order to discuss and develop the conception of self within the person-centred approach in the light of these theories. We have to develop a topography of a structure of self for a model to found the self-experience.

How to Cite

Spielhofer, Hermann. 2005. “Selbststrukturen Bei Narzisstischen Störungen Und Borderline-Persönlichkeiten”. PERSON 9 (1):65-81.


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Borderline disorder, narcissistic disorder, personality disorder, self, self-structure


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