Essstörungen und ihre Psychotherapie aus Klientenzentrierter Perspektive

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Published May 1, 2007
Karsten Schützmann Eva-Maria Biermann-Ratjen Melanie Schacht Jochen Eckert


Eating disorders and their psychotherapy – The client-centered perspective. Referring to recent developments within client-centered psychotherapy, the present article provides an overview of the published work on etiology, phenomenology, and therapy of eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia nervosa) from the client-centered perspective. Client-centered concepts on eating disorders as well as case- and eficacystudies are discussed. In general, the published work indicates that anorexia and bulimia nervosa have always belonged to the group of disorders being successfully treated by client-centered therapists. There are various client-centered concepts on etiology and therapy of these disorders. The discussed cases show how personality change develops in client-centered therapy, accompanied by symptom reduction and healing in both disorders. However, it also becomes evident that there is still a lack of controlled studies on the eficacy of client-centered therapy of eating disorders.

How to Cite

Schützmann, Karsten, Eva-Maria Biermann-Ratjen, Melanie Schacht, and Jochen Eckert. 2007. “Essstörungen Und Ihre Psychotherapie Aus Klientenzentrierter Perspektive”. PERSON 11 (1):22-38.


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Client-centered psychotherapy, eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, etiology


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