Der Personzentrierte Ansatz in Supervision und Coaching. Eine kritische Positionierung
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The Person-centered Approach in supervision and coaching. A critical positioning. Against the background of repeated criticisms of a person-centred understanding of supervision, it is shown that the judgement, such an approach would pay too little attention to the importance of organizational context either arises on the basis of a simplistic understanding of “person”, or is only then justified when person-centred supervisors disregard the given variety of theories and models specific to the world of work.
Based on various theoretical models, some areas of competence are outlined that are to be addressed within the framework of a well-founded supervision training. In addition, a conceptual differentiation between supervision and coaching is undertaken in order to finally show some important characteristics of person-centered supervision. It is made clear that an encounter philosophical understanding of the person-centered approach can be of particular importance under the given worldwide crises. In order to be able to put such a humanistically and critical positioned, understanding of supervision into practice, seven necessary
conditions should be given by the supervisors.
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supervision, coaching, supervision training, working world, global crisis