Die Struktur menschlicher Wirklichkeit Zur dualen Formierung der Theorien Schopenhauers und Rogers’ sowie zur Synthese Gendlins

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Published May 1, 2019
Mark Galliker


The structure of human reality — On the dual formation of the theories of Schopenhauer and Rogers and on Gendlin’s synthesis. This paper discusses and assesses the hypothesis that there is a structural similarity in the way the theories of Schopenhauer and Rogers are constructed, with a special emphasis on the concept of the self. From a practical-therapeutical point of view the question arises, what are the consequences resulting from the constituents in both theories? Furthermore, Gendlin’s theory is discussed and the significance of focusing in the present context is addressed.

How to Cite

Galliker, Mark. 2019. “Die Struktur Menschlicher Wirklichkeit : Zur Dualen Formierung Der Theorien Schopenhauers Und Rogers’ Sowie Zur Synthese Gendlins”. PERSON 23 (1):5-16. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v23i1.2423.


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dual sysytem, structure of ideas, tendency to actualisation, self, experience, congruence, incongruence, focusing


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