Schizophrenien aus personzentrierter Sicht Symptome, Ursachen und Folgen für personzentrierte Beratung und Psychotherapie

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Published May 1, 2021
Hans-Jürgen Luderer


Schizophrenia from a person-centered perspective. Symptoms, causes and consequences for person-centered counseling and psychotherapy. About 0.3 – 0.7 % of all humans are affected by schizophrenia during their lifetime. There is little variation with regard to ethnicity, geographic origin, social class, and gender. Schizophrenia is associated with severe functional consequences. Most patients do not reach the social occupational level of their parents and many of them do not meet the requirements of the general employment market. Many do not marry, particularly men. 5 – 6 % of all affected persons die by suicide. During acute psychosis,
patients cannot rely on their perception and judgement. They suffer from delusions and hallucinations, and they have no chance to recognize these symptoms as deceptions without help. Empathic counseling and psychotherapy will help the patients to understand themselves, their social situation and their disorder. Mental health care specialists should take symptoms seriously, provide psychoeducation and help patients to accept medical, psychological, and social help.

How to Cite

Luderer, Hans-Jürgen. 2021. “Schizophrenien Aus Personzentrierter Sicht : Symptome, Ursachen Und Folgen für Personzentrierte Beratung Und Psychotherapie”. PERSON 25 (1):18-31.


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Article Details


Schizophrenia, symptoms, risk factors, functional consequences, person-centered counseling and therapy
