Der Dreischritt als Untersuchungseinheit der Therapieforschung Zu einer gegenstandsangemessenen Evaluation Personzentrierter Psychotherapie, veranschaulicht am Gespräch von Rogers und Gloria
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The triple step as an investigation unit in therapy research. Towards an object oriented evaluation of person-centered psychotherapy illustrated by the discourse between Rogers and Gloria. In the investigation of person-centered psychotherapies it is necessary that the procedure for the evaluation and quality assurance of such therapies be person-centered as well. A precondition for implementing such a procedure is an investigation unit which is appropriate to the relational and dialog-related conduct of the therapy. The smallest unit of the communication process consists of three steps: presentation (e.g. on the part of the client), representation (on the part of the therapist) and qualification of the representation (again on the part of the client). This unit is introduced and explained in the context of the discourse conducted by Rogers with Gloria. The methodological and practical consequences are discussed.
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dialogical understanding of therapy, therapy research, investigation unit, triple step, saying back, empathy, relationship, self-exploration, supervision