Existenzphilosophie und Personzentrierter Ansatz Bemerkungen zur Integration inter- und intrapersonaler Selbst-Konzepte

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Published Nov 1, 2011
Mark Galliker


Existential Philosophy and Personcentered Approach. Remarks on the integration of intrapersonal and interpersonal concepts. From the perspective of a person-centered therapist, the author examines the question which meanings the self is accorded in selected works in existential philosophy and how this concept has changed over time. Here, diverse approaches to the self are recognized, such as they later also occur in a somewhat similar manner within the person-centered approach. The approaches to the self in philosophy range from intra-individual to inter-individual as well from substantial to de-substantialized ideas. The understanding of reality and the scope of applicability for a personalized self concept are discussed.

How to Cite

Galliker, Mark. 2011. “Existenzphilosophie Und Personzentrierter Ansatz: Bemerkungen Zur Integration Inter- Und Intrapersonaler Selbst-Konzepte”. PERSON 15 (2):126-37. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v15i2.2683.


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existence, co-existence, self, interpersonal self, intrapersonal self, de-substantialization of the self, presentness
