„Mehr gibt es dazu nicht“ Prozessanalyse bei einem Jugendlichen mit Ablösungsproblemen

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Published May 1, 2015
Mark Galliker


„There ist nothing more to say“. Analysis of the therapeutic process for a 15-year old student with social detachment problems. The therapeutic process is presented in three treatment phases. The therapist ensured that the client was able to develop trust, showed a maximum interest in the client’s need for help and finally supported the client’s self-exploration without actively pushing it ahead. In the process, the therapist relied on the actualization tendency being implemented during the therapeutic process.

How to Cite

Galliker, Mark. 2015. “„Mehr Gibt Es Dazu nicht“: Prozessanalyse Bei Einem Jugendlichen Mit Ablösungsproblemen”. PERSON 19 (1):36-48. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v19i1.2552.


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Article Details


Therapeutic process, need for help, actualizing tendency, self-exploration, verbalization of emotional experiences, dreams, detachment
