Dialogisches Prinzip und Personzentrierter Ansatz Zur Echtheit des Ich und Andersheit des Du am Beispiel der Beratung älterer Menschen

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Published Nov 1, 2011
Margot Klein


The Principle of Dialog and the Person-centered Approach. On the realness of the I and the otherness of the You, with counseling as on example. After mentioning the predecessors of the dialog approach in Romanticism, some of Martin Buber’s central assumptions with regard to dialog will be presented. In addition, the question to what extent the understanding in the dialog is relevant for the person-centered approach and current counseling practices with the elderly will be pursued. As the understanding in the dialog develops within the person-centered approach, the counselor’s particular contributions to the conversation are becoming just as relevant as those of her client, while for the latter, the relevance of the otherness is recognized and acknowledged above all in the incomprehensible. 

How to Cite

Klein, Margot. 2011. “Dialogisches Prinzip Und Personzentrierter Ansatz: Zur Echtheit Des Ich Und Andersheit Des Du Am Beispiel Der Beratung älterer Menschen”. PERSON 15 (2):138-49. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v15i2.2684.


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Dialog, relationship, otherness, answers, responsibility, care, counseling the elderly
