Der therapeutische Prozess und dessen Bedeutung im Personzentrierten Ansatz Das Wiedergewinnen von Vertrauen in den Organismus

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Published May 1, 2015
Michael Gutberlet


The Process in Person-Centered Psychotherapy and its Analysis. The person-centered psychotherapist facilitates constructive change in a client by supporting something, that is already in the organism and occurs as a process. He assumes, that the human organism knows more about his aims and the way towards maturity and psychological adjustment than any expert. This basic conviction differs fundamentally from that of other approaches in psychotherapy and also from the actual trends in society. This unusual thinking is a challenge for those, who are writing an „analysis of process“ for the final exam in the training-program of pca.acp (Switzerland). The article summarizes the disorder-model of the PCA and the concept of therapy along the viewpoint of process, wants to stimulate and offer some answers to frequently asked questions from students.

How to Cite

Gutberlet, Michael. 2015. “Der Therapeutische Prozess Und Dessen Bedeutung Im Personzentrierten Ansatz: Das Wiedergewinnen Von Vertrauen in Den Organismus”. PERSON 19 (1):16-25.


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Therapeutic process, the unrestrained flowing process, analysis of process, organism, self organisation
