Aktualisierungstendenz oder Interaktion zuerst? Zur Kontroverse dialogisches versus monologisches Selbst

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Published May 1, 2018
Margot Klein Christine le Coutre Mark Galliker


Actualizing tendency or interaction first? On the controversy of the dialogical versus the monological self. In this work as presented, we look for the similarities and differences in the attitudes to the dialogical self. While Staemmler assumes strong relationality exists, according to which the human psyche is constituted in sociocultural terms, individual-focused psychotherapists in his opinion tend to assume an attenuated relationality, in which interpersonal events are considered alongside those of an intrapersonal type. Decisive is that the actualizing tendency and interaction ultimately form one entity in the person-centered approach and especially in Gendlin and that “the self ” dissolves as an object. At the end of the article, the importance of controversy for psychotherapeutic practice is referred to.

How to Cite

Klein, Margot, Christine le Coutre, and Mark Galliker. 2018. “Aktualisierungstendenz Oder Interaktion Zuerst? Zur Kontroverse Dialogisches Versus Monologisches Selbst”. PERSON 22 (1):47-54. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v22i1.2451.


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relationality, continuity, experiencing, congruence and incongruence
