Gemeinsprachliche Ressourcen beim Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer - die Rolle der Deixis bei der propositionalen Komposition in universitären Vorlesungen in den Fächern Physik und Maschinenbau
Languages for special purposes have mainly been considered from the point of view that they are specialized, i.e. that they satisfy the terminological needs of expression of specialized groups. The purpose of this contribution is to demonstrate that specialized discourses such as university lectures may make specific use of ordinary language devices. An analysis of sections from German lectures in physics and mechanical engineering reveals that deictics play a special role in propositional composition. The findings are relevant for the general principles of linguistic science and knowledge transfer as well as for teaching German as a first or second academic language.
Schlagwörter: Sprache wissenschaftlicher Lehre – Deixis – Physik – Maschinenbau – propositionale Komposition
Key words: Language of academic teaching – deictics – physics – mechanical engineering – propositional composition