Unzeitgemäss? Gedanken einer Praktikerin zum Thema Langzeittherapien

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Published May 1, 2003
Rosina Brossi


Anachronistic? A practitioner’s reflections on long term therapy. Using statements of clients, the author describes her experiences with processes in long term therapies. The clients make it clear that they need a lot of time as well as the therapist’s reliable, non-judgmental presence in order to establish a therapeutic relationship, specifically for the phases of stagnation in the process of growth. The author also describes the meaning of the “slowness” of such processes for the therapist’s experiencing and behaviour, that is how she implements the relationship offer. The steps within the process, which become visible in the course of the article, show how in human beings suffering from a severe disorder, the processes as described by the theory of change can take place.

How to Cite

Brossi, Rosina. 2003. “Unzeitgemäss? Gedanken Einer Praktikerin Zum Thema Langzeittherapien”. PERSON 7 (1):57-65. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v7i1.2937.


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Long term therapy, therapeutic relationship, stagnation, severe mental disorder, integration of new experiences into the self concept
