Fragmente „en gros et en détail“ zum Thema ethische Fragen im psychotherapeutischen Alltag

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Published May 1, 2011
Rosina Brossi


Fragments “en gros et en détail” concerning ethical issues in everyday psychotherapeutic practice. Since the nineties associations of psychotherapy have issued binding rules in the form of Codes of Ethics and Practice in which the general conditions of psychotherapy are defined. Information about the enactment of the code and the sanctions in case of violation of the ethical rules is given in complaint procedures. Furthermore, psychotherapists need to be offered considerations and opportunities to make them aware of their ethical responsibility and to support them in taking on this responsibility themselves. They should acquire background knowledge and receive tools to recognize and solve ethical dilemmas. The following fragments are meant to be an inspiration for this process. After an excursion into moral philosophy, developmental psychology and attachment theory, the ethical principles that are contained in the ethical guidelines of the pca.acp Switzerland are brought to the fore and it is explained how they can be used for the clarification of ethical dilemmas. A choice of examples is presented and a report is given on the ethics seminar that is offered in the Swiss pca.acp psychotherapy training. Thereby, it becomes clear how supportive and empathic relationships are crucial for the facilitation of our moral development and of our ethical behaviour in psychotherapy.

How to Cite

Brossi, Rosina. 2011. “Fragmente „en Gros Et En détail“ Zum Thema Ethische Fragen Im Psychotherapeutischen Alltag”. PERSON 15 (1):25-36.


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Ethics in Psychotherapy, philosophical arguments for ethical concepts, psychology of moral development, moral dilemmas, ethics and empathy, Codes of Ethics and Practice
