Angststörungen – Handlungsleitlinien zur Behandlung bei Personzentrierter Psychotherapie mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und Bezugspersonen

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Published May 1, 2012
Maria Füßner Else Döring Hildegard Steinhauser Carola von Zülow


Anxiety disorders — Therapeutic Guidelines for person-centered Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents and Care Takers. Starting at the basic conditions of person-centered therapy — unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding and congruence — a treatment guideline is presented here with specific process-leading assistance for the therapy of children and young people with anxiety disorders. The study shows that anxiety disorders arise in connection with a conflict history of self-concept development, due to misunderstood and/or not accepted efforts to achieve autonomy against the background of insecure attachment relationships. The disorder specific approach differs in the treatment phases of establishing a relationship, of working on incongruence and of detachment. The therapeutic action is characterized by the attitude of approach, by the strategies of action and the media for intervention.

How to Cite

Füßner, Maria, Else Döring, Hildegard Steinhauser, and Carola von Zülow. 2012. “Angststörungen – Handlungsleitlinien Zur Behandlung Bei Personzentrierter Psychotherapie Mit Kindern, Jugendlichen Und Bezugspersonen”. PERSON 16 (1):13-31.


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anxiety disorders in infancy and adolescence, model of incongruence, person-centered therapy, treatment guideline, disorder specific therapy, diagnosis, working with parents and care takers
