Werden wollen, wer man wirklich ist Transsexualität als konstitutionelle Geschlechtsinkongruenz – ein personzentrierter Standpunkt
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Wanting to become who you really are. Transsexuality as constitutional incongruence — a person-centered point of view. The diagnosis Transsexuality (Gender-Identity-Disorder) ranks in the ICD 10 among the personality behavorial disorders. Accordingly in the past decades the transsexual people, seen from the psychiatric view — generalising but without any evidencial based facts — were not only supposed to have mental disorders as psychoses or borderline disorder but also weakness of character.
The genetic-neurological research results of the last 10 – 15 years show, that there is a biological disposition of the brain, wich is responsible for the gender identity. From this view transsexuality does not appear as a mental disorder, but as a “Genetic Variation in Sex Development” — as a “variation in the field of genetics, biology and neuroscience and neuropsychology” (Haupt, 2012, S. 8, translation by the author). In November 2011 Horst-Jörg Haupt published a medical-neurological positional paper titeled “Transsexuality”, the so called “Altdorfer Empfehlungen”. This paper gives a résumé of a lot of neurological findings which bases a non pathological-orientated Case-Management for Transsexuality. The following tries to support this view on the transsexual process as personal growth (within the meaning of increasing congruence) from person-centered psychotherapy and the person-centered theory of the self.
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Transsexuality (Gender-Identity-Disorder), pathologization, Constitutional Incongruence of Gender, Congruence, Actualizing tendency, brain research