Prozessanalysen – Juwelen aus der psychotherapeutischen Praxis

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Published Nov 29, 2023
Rosina Brossi


Process-Analyses — Jewels of Psychotherapeutic Practice. To conclude their training in personcentered psychotherapy in Switzerland (pca.acp) trainees have to write and present two process-analyses. In the following text the theoretical and historical background of process-analysis and the seminar on process-analysis which is part of the Swiss psychotherapy training are described. The significance of practice-research is emphasized. The prominent value of the voice- and video recordings that are required for a process-analysis is pointed out. The question is raised how the task to document the psychotherapeutic process with such recordings is experienced by the trainees. A small inquiry was carried out with psychotherapists who are still in training and certified ones. Its results show that the idea of a third party being a direct witness of what occurs in the therapeutic relationship has a positive as well as negative influence on the therapist‚ experiencing and behaviour, and can activate fear of valuation. It seems to follow that the theoretically postulated significance of unconditional positive regard as an aspect of the personcentered attitude proves to be central to working beneficially in supervision groups and other training units. It is postulated that a nonjudgemental climate is a necessary condition for an unbiased interest in the complexity of what can be seen and heard in audio and video recordings.

How to Cite

Brossi, Rosina. 2023. “Prozessanalysen – Juwelen Aus Der Psychotherapeutischen Praxis”. PERSON 19 (1):7-15.


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process-analysis, audio and video recordings, seminar on process-analysis, the significance of the personcentered attitude in psychotherapy-training
