Das phäakische Therapieschiff Ein historische-literarisches Beispiel therapeutischen Gelingens und seiner Bedingungen

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Published Nov 1, 2022
Gerhard Lukits


The Phaeacian Therapy Ship. A historical-literary example of therapeutic success and its conditions. In the
following article the author introduces an extensive series of conversations between Odysseus and the magical
Phaeacian king Alkinoos (taken from Homer’s Odyssey) as a prototype of therapeutic-healing communication.
He examines to which extent the attitude Alkinoos displays in the process corresponds to a “person-centered” –
or simply humane – attitude of unconditional appreciation, empathy and congruence. Does the conversational
process fulfill the Rogerian “necessary and sufficient conditions”? From the author’s perspective, this is absolutely
the case. Hence Odysseus evolves from a man addicted to the logic of war into a man who has discovered
himself and thus his humane qualities – and is therefore ready for his kingship.

How to Cite

Lukits, Gerhard. 2022. “Das phäakische Therapieschiff: Ein Historische-Literarisches Beispiel Therapeutischen Gelingens Und Seiner Bedingungen”. PERSON 26 (2):73-84. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v26i2.2293.


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Person-centered theory of Therapy, necessary and sufficient conditions, confidence, empathy, (in-)congruence, self-discovery, humanity, humanistic
