Wie queer ist die Person? Queer-Theorie und Personzentrierter Ansatz Intergeschlechtlichkeit: ein Diskurs zur Entwicklung eines (in)kongruenten Selbst aus personzentrierter Perspektive
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Nov 1, 2024
Barbara Zach
Lian Hannah Walter
Queer theory questions ostensibly natural conditions, especially where bodies and sexualities are concerned, to show that they organize power relations in social orders. Psychotherapeutic theories, too, not only describe psychological phenomena, but are also part of the discourses that produce them. This article attempts to connect the person-centered approach with queer theory. To this end, the article presents the personality theory and the fundamental concept of the person as well as the pitfalls and potentials of the person-centered approach in working with people outside of cis-hetero-normativity.
How to Cite
Zach, Barbara, and Lian Hannah Walter. 2024. “Wie Queer Ist Die Person? Queer-Theorie Und Personzentrierter Ansatz: Intergeschlechtlichkeit: Ein Diskurs Zur Entwicklung Eines (in)kongruenten Selbst Aus Personzentrierter Perspektive”. PERSON 28 (2):84-94. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v28i2.3.
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Article Details
queer, gender, sexualities, normativity