Diltheys Hermeneutik und die Gesprächspsychotherapie Zu den Konzepten Erlebnis, Nacherleben und Lebenszusammenhang

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Published Nov 1, 2011
Frithjof Rodi


Dilthey’s hermeneutics and person-centered psychotherapy: The concepts of experiencing, re-experiencing and nexus of life. The relationship between Carl Rogers’ method of empathic understanding and the hermeneutics of Wilhelm Dilthey has so far not been investigated. This article is confined to outlining some major categories of Dilthey’s theory of understanding in such a way that some possibilities are marked for comparison and mutual orientation. It is observed that interpersonal understanding in Dilthey is less important than the understanding of historical objectivations and works of art. Therefore a direct level of comparison is hardly available. The role of empathy is discussed with respect of re-experiencing in the sense that re-experiencing is not depending on but helped by empathy.

How to Cite

Rodi, Frithjof. 2011. “Diltheys Hermeneutik Und Die Gesprächspsychotherapie: Zu Den Konzepten Erlebnis, Nacherleben Und Lebenszusammenhang”. PERSON 15 (2):103-10. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v15i2.2680.


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Dilthey, hermeneutics, interpersonal understanding, life-nexus, lived experience (Erlebnis), expression, understanding, re-experience (Nacherleben), empathy
