Personzentrierte Krisenberatung in einer Zeit sich häufender globaler Krisen

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Published Nov 1, 2023
Hans Stauß


Person-centered crisis counseling in a time of increasing global crisis. This article is pursuing the question, how far the person-centered approach stands the test confronted with increasing individual and collective crisis, but also in which respect it is challenged to develop further. First, we inquire about the inflationary use of the notion of crisis. We understand the phenomenon of crisis as a specific time-limited dynamic process with four key elements. The person in crisis is seen in an exchange process with his environment, the others and with himself. For person-centered crisis counseling this means to give attention not only to the inner frame of reference, but also to the situational and social frame. What this concretely means for the person-centered approach with its primacy of the subjective experiencing and the emphasis on the self-actualizing process will be demonstrated briefly. It will be shown that the person-centered approach and the counseling of people in crisis are in a relationship of suspense – with potential for development for both sides.

How to Cite

Stauß, Hans. 2023. “Personzentrierte Krisenberatung in Einer Zeit Sich häufender Globaler Krisen”. PERSON 27 (2):65-76.


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individual and collective crisis, resources and crisis, existential threat, moderating and focusing


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