Die Therapie der Ichgrenzenstörung unter besonderer Beachtung struktureller Empathie Zur dualen Formierung der Theorien Schopenhauers und Rogers’ sowie zur Synthese Gendlins

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Published May 1, 2019
David Oberreiter


The therapy of ego boundary disorder in regard to structural empathy. The significance that ego boundary disorders takes on for those affected constitutes a phenomenon that is often difficult for psychotherapists to fully understand. Psychological and philosophical concepts regarding inner structures can be of some assistance in approaching an understanding of such disorders. Ego boundary disorders manifest as a fundamental disorder of ego structure. A key to understanding the disorder lies in the empathic understanding of the structural problem.

How to Cite

Oberreiter, David. 2019. “Die Therapie Der Ichgrenzenstörung Unter Besonderer Beachtung Struktureller Empathie: Zur Dualen Formierung Der Theorien Schopenhauers Und Rogers’ Sowie Zur Synthese Gendlins”. PERSON 23 (1):17-33. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v23i1.2424.


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Article Details


Ego boundary, psychosis, structural empathy, concern
