Hoffnung durch Begegnung Erfahrene Begegnung ist der Grund für Hoffnung in der Personzentrierten Psychotherapie

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Published Nov 1, 2020
Walter Kabelka


Hope through Encounter. Experienced encounter is the reason for hope in Personcentred Psychotherapy and beyond. This is a treatise about the character of interpersonal „encounter-Begegnung“, starring Carl Rogers, Martin Buber and Daniel Stern. It is about significant moments in interpersonal contact; the author wants to underline a relevant difference concerning the partners of the psychotherapeutic dialogue. He proposes that the awareness of this difference should be another necessary condition for a helpful relationship, added to six previous conditions we know from Carl Rogers. By comparing with the concept of Daniel Stern and the Boston Change Process Study Group the meaning and content of „encounter — Begegnung“ will be concretized.

How to Cite

Kabelka, Walter. 2020. “Hoffnung Durch Begegnung : Erfahrene Begegnung Ist Der Grund für Hoffnung in Der Personzentrierten Psychotherapie”. PERSON 24 (2):98-106. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v24i2.2365.


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Begegnung / encounter, six conditions and one more, hopelessness, hope
