Personzentrierte Psychotherapie während der Covid-19- Pandemie aus der Perspektive von Therapeut*innen: Eine Mixed Methods Studie

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Published May 1, 2022
Norbert File Vanessa Kulcar Emily Kuntschner Anna Zeppenfeld Barbara Juen


Therapists’ Perspectives on Person-Centered Psychotherapy during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Mixed
Methods Study. The COVID-19 pandemic required the conversion of psychotherapy to distance methods.
Based on quantitative longitudinal data (N = 101) and expert interviews with eleven teaching therapists, the
perspectives of person-centred therapists on distance therapy were investigated. Different difficulties regarding
distance therapy emerged, especially concerning resonance and the therapeutic relationship. Although
face-to-face therapy was preferred for these reasons, the interviewees also saw advantages and were in favour
of maintaining the possibility of distance therapy as a complementary method. Due to its low threshold,
distance therapy can thereby improve the psychosocial care for the population. For a successful implementation,
adaptations compared to face-to-face therapy are necessary. We summarize lessons that can belearned for the                              pandemic situation as recommendations.

How to Cite

File, Norbert, Vanessa Kulcar, Emily Kuntschner, Anna Zeppenfeld, and Barbara Juen. 2022. “Personzentrierte Psychotherapie während Der Covid-19- Pandemie Aus Der Perspektive Von Therapeut*innen: Eine Mixed Methods Studie”. PERSON 26 (1):21-32.


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COVID-19, distance therapy, person-centred, therapists


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