Thinking at The Edge – Eine Herausforderung, die sich lohnt
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Thinking at The Edge — A Challenge that is Worthwhile. This article introduces Thinking at the Edge (TAE) as a philosophical practice for creative thinking. The process of writing this article demonstrates how new terms and interrelations unfold systematically from a bodily-felt tacit knowing by applying TAE steps. The demonstration also indicates that TAE should rather be understood as a special way of thinking than a rigid structure. From a philosophical point of view, it is shown how Focusing, as the formation of a Direct Referent, is part of TAE and how TAE goes beyond Focusing. Adequate forms of inevitable support for the TAE process are discussed as well as the use of TAE for personal growth. Some of the many possible applications of TAE for individuals and groups are presented, followed by a conclusion.
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Thinking at the Edge, Focusing, tacit knowledge, creative thinking, theory building