Texte für verschiedene Zielgruppen mehrsprachig verfassen Aufgabenarrangements zur Förderung mehrsprachiger akademischer Schreibkompetenz

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Published Nov 5, 2021
Irina Barczaitis Ella Grieshammer


Currently, European universities find themselves in processes of internationalisation. This internationalisation affects the internationality of the student body as well as teaching staff and researchers, the curricula, the way of organising study programmes and the level of academic writing. Writing pedagogy has to consider diverse parameters of (genre) expectations, writing traditions, scientific cultures, the multilingual background of the different players etc. and has to find ways to make students fit for academic writing in internationalised contexts, that is to help them develop multilingual academic writing skills. The International Writing Centre at Goettingen University has established a programme of workshops and writing tutoring named MultiConText that takes these factors into account. This paper explains this programme, and gives teachers of academic writing impulses on how to put into action a writing pedagogy that responds to the needs of multilingual students who write academically in an internationalised context. To illustrate this, three different tasks which foster multilingual academic writing skills will be presented with recommendations on how to implement them in writing classes.

How to Cite

Barczaitis , Irina, and Ella Grieshammer. 2021. “Texte für Verschiedene Zielgruppen Mehrsprachig Verfassen: Aufgabenarrangements Zur Förderung Mehrsprachiger Akademischer Schreibkompetenz”. Fachsprache 43 (3-4):155-74. https://doi.org/10.24989/fs.v43i3-4.2005.
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