Vol. 4 No. 1S (2023): Beyond Media Comparison: Investigating When and How Learning with Augmented and Virtual Reality Works
Full Issue
Beyond Media Comparison: Investigating When and How Learning with Augmented and Virtual Reality Works
Abstract 202 | PDF Downloads 260 | DOI https://doi.org/10.24989/dp.v4i1S.2419
Page 1-3
Invited Letter
Redefining Immersive Technology Research: Beyond Media Comparisons to Holistic Learning Approaches
Abstract 349 | PDF Downloads 263 | DOI https://doi.org/10.24989/dp.v4i1S.2272
Page 4-8
Confounding in Educational Research: An Overview of Research Approaches Investigating Virtual and Augmented Reality
Abstract 249 | PDF Downloads 193 | DOI https://doi.org/10.24989/dp.v4i1S.2227
Page 9-12