Privacy Policy

Data Protection Declaration

Our privacy policy

 Data Protection and Data Usage Declaration for Facultas eJournals

We hereby inform you how personal data (such as name, address, email address and telephone number) are handled and used by Facultas Verlags- & Buchhandels AG - hereinafter referred to as Facultas - with regard to the eJournals. Personal data is any information relating to a person whose identity can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more distinct characteristics which are a manifestation of that person’s physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity. The legal basis can be found in the Data Protection Act 2000 (DSG 2000) and the Telecommunications Act (TKG).

The protection of personal data is an important issue for Facultas. We are aware of the sensitivity of your data and the protection of your privacy. We are subject to the statutory provisions on data protection and data security and observe them strictly to ensure that you feel safe when visiting our website and using our services.

The General Terms and Conditions, along with this data protection and data usage declaration, regulate the legal relationship between you and Facultas with regard to the use of the Facultas eJournals online service and the collection and processing of your personal data by Facultas.

1)    Responsible authority

The responsible authority for collecting, processing and using your personal data is:

Facultas Verlags- & Buchhandels AG
Stolberggasse 26
1050 Vienna
Telephone: +43-1-3105356
Fax: +43-1-3197050

(hereinafter referred to as “Facultas”, “we” or “us”).

2)    Security

Facultas will take precautions in accordance with the current state of the art to protect the data entrusted to Facultas by you as a user of the Facultas eJournals online service from unauthorised access. A differentiated system of access authorisations and technical security measures, such as SSL encryption and firewalls, is used to ensure the greatest possible data security.

User data is stored on particularly protected servers in Germany. Access is limited to employees who need to contact you to enable you to access our services, as well as a few authorised employees who are responsible for the technical, editorial or commercial maintenance of the servers. Facultas takes precautions to ensure the security of all personal data. Your data will be conscientiously protected against loss, destruction, falsification, manipulation, unauthorised access and unauthorised publication.

3)    Collection, processing and use of personal data in the provision of services by Facultas

For the provision of the Facultas eJournals service by Facultas, it is necessary to collect and process personal data disclosed by you during the registration process or use of the service.

  1. For the purpose of contract fulfilment, contract execution and communication with you in connection with the use of the online service, the following personal data will be collected by Facultas when you register to create a user account, without which the registration cannot be completed and the user account cannot be used for the Facultas eJournals. The mandatory data is:
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address (= user ID)
  • Password
  • User account ID
  • IP address of the accessing computer

The following additional data will be collected when you register to create a user account if you choose to provide it:

  • Title/Academic Degree
  • Gender
  • Further information provided by Facultas regarding your person, if applicable

Type of data processing by Facultas: Storage on electronic data carriers

Legal basis for data processing: Necessity of the data for the fulfilment and execution of the contract, your consent and a legitimate interest on the part of Facultas (ensuring the technical functionality of the Facultas eJournals and statistical evaluation of access to the Facultas eJournals online service)

Duration of data storage by Facultas: for the duration of the user account and 3 years beyond.

Declaration of consent and reference to the right of withdrawalIrrespective of the other legal bases for data processing stated above, you consent to the collection and processing of your personal data by Facultas for the purposes stated above until you withdraw your consent, which you may do at any time. Your consent withdrawal can be emailed to

  1. For the purpose of ensuring technical functionality,as well as
  2. for Facultas’ marketing purposes, such as recommending and advertising its own products and services (specialist literature [print, digital and online], information events for students and teachers, publishing services, copying services, the Facultas eJournals online service and to your interests based on your user behaviour and enquiry interests, as well as
  3. for the purpose of further product development and improvement of the Facultas eJournals’ own product range, needs analysis and online range analysis, the following personal data will be collected from all visitors, unless the collection of this data is blocked by your browser settings:
  • IP address of the accessing computer and, if applicable, location data of the accessing computer
  • Type of browser you are using
  • Your user behaviour and enquiry interests with regard to the Facultas eJournals online service (e.g. access time, duration).

If you are registered and logged in, the following information will also be collected from you:

  • User identification
  • Date and time, as well as duration of your logins
  • Session ID
  • Further information concerning your person which you have provided the operator in the course of contract processing

Type of data processing carried out by Facultas (purposes b., c., d.): Storage on electronic data carriers (databases which may be processed and evaluated automatically).

Legal basis for data processing (purposes b., c., d.): is a legitimate interest of Facultas (ensuring the technical functionality of the Facultas eJournals, statistical evaluation of access to the Facultas eJournals, as well as misuse control) and your consent (if you are registered) for purposes c. and d.

Duration of data storage by Facultas (purposes b., c., d.): In the case of registered users, for as long as the user account is valid and 3 years beyond; in the case of non-registered users, 1 year after accessing the Facultas eJournals.

Declaration of consent and reference to the right of withdrawal: You consent to the collection and processing of your personal data by Facultas for the above purposes (b., c. and d.) - in each case until you withdraw your consent, which you may do at any time. Your consent withdrawal for any of the above purposes (b., c. or d.) may be emailed to


4) Direct advertising by Facultas, newsletter

  1. Direct advertising for registered users:

You hereby agree to the sending of (electronic) mail, including SMS, and/or calls and/or faxes for advertising purposes for Facultas’ own services and products (specialist literature [print, digital and online], information events for students and lecturers, publishing services, copying services, the Facultas eJournals online service and, as well as competitions and special offers from Facultas for registered users using your contact information (first name, last name, email address[es] and telephone number[s]), for as long as your user account is valid and 1 year beyond. Your consent may be withdrawn at any time prior to the above-mentioned deadline. Your consent withdrawal can be emailed to

Your consent can also be withdrawn at any time via the unsubscribe link available in every newsletter.

  1. Newsletter for newsletter subscribers:

You can subscribe to the Facultas newsletter. To do this, you will need to enter the email address to which the newsletter is to be sent in the newsletter registration form and confirm its entry in the newsletter recipient database. You will then receive an email with an activation link. Once you have activated it, your email address will be included in the database for newsletter recipients and the newsletter will subsequently be sent to the email address provided.

If you subscribe to the newsletter, you hereby consent, until withdrawal at any time, to the sending of (electronic) mail for advertising purposes for Facultas' own services and products (specialist literature [print, digital and online], information events for students and teachers, publishing services, copying services, the Facultas eJournals online service and, as well as competitions and promotional offers from Facultas using the email address you provided for this purpose. You may withdraw your consent at any time. Your consent withdrawal can be emailed to

Your consent can also be withdrawn at any time via the unsubscribe link available in every newsletter.

5) Transfer of data to third parties and affiliated companies of Facultas

Facultas does not sell, trade or otherwise make unauthorised use of personal information. Facultas also does not pass on your personal data to third parties unless you have given your consent or Facultas is legally obliged to do so.

Third parties are not external service providers of Facultas who provide services in the name and on behalf of Facultas in connection with the Facultas eJournals online service. These include payment service providers, debt collection companies or IT and hosting service providers.

If you make your payment via PayPal, we will send your email address and information about your order to PayPal. All PayPal transactions are subject to the current Privacy Policy of PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.

Your personal data will only be passed on or transmitted to service providers if this is necessary for the purpose of contract processing or billing or if you have given your prior consent. These service providers are carefully selected and commissioned by Facultas. They are bound by the instructions of Facultas and are regularly monitored by Facultas. The data provided for the fulfilment of the contract may only be used by the service providers of Facultas, in order to carry out their task. Any other use of the information is not permitted and does not take place with any of the service providers entrusted by Facultas.

Personal data will otherwise only be shared if there is a legal obligation to do so.

6) Inspection, modification and deletion of data

You can view and change the personal data stored in your user account at any time in accordance with section 3) a. A complete deletion will take place at any time at your request and after your identity has been verified.

7) Information, correction and deletion of your data

You have the right to information about the data stored about your person free of charge, as well as, if necessary, a right to correction, blocking or deletion of said data.

Upon request, Facultas will provide you with information on the personal data stored about you. Requests in this regard can be emailed to

Your personal data will be deleted at the above-mentioned times, provided that this does not conflict with legal storage obligations and you have not asserted a claim for deletion earlier.

8) Cookies

Facultas uses so-called “cookies” on your computer and accesses them. Cookies are small files that are stored on the hard disk of the user’s computer during online sessions. These are used by Facultas to identify you during a session in the password-protected area, among other things.

You have the option to prevent the storage of cookies on your computer at any time by changing the appropriate browser settings. However, Facultas would like to make you aware that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of this website to their full extent.

If you want to change how your browser uses cookies, e.g. block or delete cookies, you can make these changes in the browser settings. To manage cookies, most browsers allow you to accept or decline all cookies or to accept only certain types of cookies. You can also choose to be asked each time a web page wants to store a cookie. It is also very easy to delete cookies that have already been saved to your device by a browser. The procedures for managing and deleting cookies vary depending on which browser you use. Information on this can be found in the browser's integrated help function or at which explains step by step how to manage and delete cookies in the most popular browsers.

Cookies required for the provision of services:

The following cookies are required in order to use the Facultas eJournals online service and its functionalities:

Name / Provider

Storage period

Description / Purpose

OJSSID, Facultas

Expiry at the end of the browser session, max. 48 hours

Identification of logged-in users during the session for access to the password-protected areas


Max. 2 years

Identification that you have agreed to the use of cookies


You agree to the described use of these cookies by Facultas until revoked at any time.

Web analytics cookies:


In order to continuously improve and optimise Facultas’ services, Facultas uses so-called tracking technologies. Facultas uses PIWIK, an open source web analysis tool (, to collect and store data for marketing and optimisation purposes. This data can be used to create pseudonymous user profiles. Cookies can also be used for this purpose. The cookies enable recognition of the web browser. The data collected with PIWIK will not be used to personally identify you as a visitor to the website and will not be merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym without your separately given consent. The PIWIK system is managed by buchmedia Marketing-verbund GmbH within the framework of an order data processing relationship. The information generated by the cookies about your use of this website (including your IP address) is generally transferred to the aforementioned service provider and stored there.

You consent to the use of PIWIK by Facultas as described above until such time as you withdraw your consent, which you may do at any time.

You can prevent the collection and processing of data generated by the PIWIK cookie and related to the use of the website. You can deactivate the web analysis here: Please note that the system will place a PIWIK deactivation cookie on your computer for this purpose.