Wachstumsorientiertes Schreiben als Methode der selbstfürsorglichen Reflexion von Frauen Intergeschlechtlichkeit: ein Diskurs zur Entwicklung eines (in)kongruenten Selbst aus personzentrierter Perspektive
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Growth-oriented writing as a reflective self-care method for women. In phases of biographical transition and in the context of high and sometimes contradictory societal and personal expectations, reflection-oriented services are often sought in counseling, self-help, and therapy. However, these are scarce and not always easy to access and therefore often require costly self-financing from those who are covered mostly by statutory health insurance. In view of the long-term effectiveness of many of these services, it would be desirable to make them more accessible and to ensure that the steps taken and the results achieved are sustainable.
Journaling, which can be used therapeutically, has been developed in various contexts and seems to offer many forms and possibilities. This rather accessible approach affords space for growth-oriented and even healing encounters with ourselves. Furthermore, as an option for self-reflection, it does not necessarily require direct contact with another person, such as a counselor.
This article therefore addresses questions such as the extent to which journaling can support self-reflection and growth, whether it is consistent with the person-centered approach, and how it facilitates access to our real selves. This will be considered primarily with regard to women’s self-care and personal growth through journaling.
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Biographical writing, reflection, person-centered approach, growth-oriented writing, journaling, expressive writing, therapeutic writing