Das Geschlecht das nicht (m)eins ist. Personzentrierte Psychotherapie und transgeschlechtliche Praxis Der Faktor Geschlecht und seine Bedeutung für Theorie und Praxis der personzentrierten Psychotherapie
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The field of trans phenomena is becoming more diverse and less comprehensible and is becoming an arena for ideological debate. In this text, gender as a social construct is outlined in terms of its origins and contrasted with the concept of biologically embodied gender. How can newer, performative forms of gender self-actualization be understood in relation to constitutional gender incongruence? The impact of the current controversy surrounding the defining power of gender on psychotherapeutic work is reflected and examined in a differentiated manner with regard to possible transition wishes. These considerations are particularly
important where medical interventions are required and psychotherapists are called upon to provide help and professional statements.
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constitutional gender incongruence, genderqueer, poststructuralism, gender performance, gender reassignment