Die Bedeutung des Personzentrierten Ansatzes für mich und meine Arbeit
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May 1, 2004
Tadeusz Paciorek
The impact of the person-centered approach on myself and my work. The author describes the lasting impression a Cross-Cultural Communication Workshop and further international person-centered conferences and encounter groups left on him, and how they changed deeply his relationship to himself and others. The essential aspect was and remains to be a strong feeling of freedom of being one‘s self. Of particular interest, from a practical point of view, is the depiction of somebody, who, being rather isolated in his own country with the person-centered approach, alters his style of teaching, inspired and carried by the relevant literature and friends abroad, to attain a student-centered nature.
How to Cite
Paciorek, Tadeusz. 2004. “Die Bedeutung Des Personzentrierten Ansatzes für Mich Und Meine Arbeit”. PERSON 8 (1):51-54. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v8i1.2903.
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