Geschichte, gegenwärtige Situation und Zukunft des Personzentrierten Ansatzes in Tschechien
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The history, current situation and future of the person centered approach in the Czech Republic. Psychotherapy has a relatively rich tradition in the Czech Republic. This tradition was maintained and further developed during totalitarian times even, in fact, at official levels as well as at the levels of so-called „parallel structures“. The contemporary psychotherapeutic scene in the Czech Republic is diverse and varied. Person centred psychotherapy is recognised as completely valid and is sufficiently financed by the medical insurance system. The roots of the tradition can be identified already at the beginning of the 1960‘s. Currently two PCA Institutions work in the Czech Republic – one in Prague and one in Brno. Research efforts are rather limited and are conducted in the universities. The author takes a critical stance regarding the marketting of the training program and the „overly organised“ nature of the Rogerian movement.
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Differentiation and integration, personality of the psychotherapist, research in psychotherapy, therapeutic community, Czechish psychotherapy