Ja, so ist die Jugend heute, schrecklich sind die jungen Leute. W. Busch Personzentrierte Psychotherapie mit Jugendlichen

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Published Nov 1, 2006
Christian Fehringer


Yes, such is youth nowadays, terrible are these young people. Person-Centred Psychotherapy with Youth — Basic principles and conditions, possibilities and limits. This article consists of three essayistic descriptions: Examining the socio-cultural context of adolescence a description of the conditions of this developmental phase is given. Next, I present an overview over adolescent developmental processes. In particular, I try to explain the origin and fostering conditions of a propensity towards violence. Finally, I address the potentialities and requirements of a Person Centered approach for this developmental period.

How to Cite

Fehringer, Christian. 2006. “Ja, so Ist Die Jugend Heute, Schrecklich Sind Die Jungen Leute.: W. Busch Personzentrierte Psychotherapie Mit Jugendlichen”. PERSON 10 (2):176-86. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v10i2.2836.


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Socio-cultural change, adolescent developmental processes, psycho-sexual development, violence, identity
