Psychische Apparate oder handelnde Personen? Die Phänomenologie als Sachwalterin einer lebensweltlichen Psychologie

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Published Nov 1, 2011
Walter Herzog


Psychological machines and acting persons. Starting with Husserl’s critique of modern science, two propaedeutic functions of phenomenology for humanistic psychology are discussed. With the help of phenomenology, psychology can lay the ground for a model of man as a personal agent and for a temporal understanding of human action. The example of Holzkamp’s Critical Psychology is used as evidence for the persistent fruitfulness of phenomenological analyses for a science of psychology, which fits into the world of everyday experience. Finally, it is shown that the personal stance is not only scientifically legitimate but also practically indispensable.

How to Cite

Herzog, Walter. 2011. “Psychische Apparate Oder Handelnde Personen? Die Phänomenologie Als Sachwalterin Einer Lebensweltlichen Psychologie”. PERSON 15 (2):117-25.


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Phenomenolgy, Intention, Person, Surroundings
