Der Spiritualität unserer Klientinnen begegnen – eine Herausforderung Überlegungen zu einer die Spiritualität einbeziehenden Arbeitsweise in der Psychotherapie

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Published Nov 1, 2013
Irmgard Fennes


Being Present to our client’s Spirituality — a Challenge. How important it is for psychotherapists to be conscious of their own attitude towards spirituality and find an appreciative relationship towards the expressions of their clients’ spirituality is subject of this article. Sociology speaks of „processes of spiritualization“ in which humans search for ultimate truths and look for orientation outside of religions. I assume an inherently human capacity to make spiritual experiences and explain my understanding of the term spirituality and against what it is to be delineated. According to the American psychologist and philosopher William James spirituality is based on personal experience and insight and not on membership in religious institutions. It covers the area of ultimate and existential questions and truths and is therefore also subject of psychotherapies.

How to Cite

Fennes, Irmgard. 2013. “Der Spiritualität Unserer Klientinnen Begegnen – Eine Herausforderung: Überlegungen Zu Einer Die Spiritualität Einbeziehenden Arbeitsweise in Der Psychotherapie”. PERSON 17 (2):100-112.


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spiritual experience, spirituality, transcendence, distinction between “prerational” and “transrational”, presence, including spirituality in psychotherapeutic practice
