Wahrnehmen – Wertschätzen – Verstehen Qualitativer Bericht über einen Supervisions-Workshop-Tag unter dem Motto „Ich und das Meer“

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Published May 1, 2014
Christiane Bahr


Percipience — Appreciation — Understanding. Qualitative Report about a Supervision Workshop Day themed „The Sea and Me“ which was part of a process of supervision with a team of professionals working in a retirement home. Team development was promoted through working on challenging topics based on the principles of person-centred approaches and the psycho biographical nursing concept of Erwin Böhm. The participants were invited to compare their team experiences to their own self-reflecting memories of the sea. Using this metaphor, various mental connections, pictures and inspirations, participants visualised their attentive opportunities and scopes of action. It helped to strengthen their individual and common appreciative perspectives, action potentials and understanding, enlightened their shared aims and further possibilities of working together to provide the best care.

How to Cite

Bahr, Christiane. 2014. “Wahrnehmen – Wertschätzen – Verstehen: Qualitativer Bericht über Einen Supervisions-Workshop-Tag Unter Dem Motto „Ich Und Das Meer“”. PERSON 18 (1):83-92. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v18i1.2581.


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Person centred supervision workshop day, retirement home, psycho biographical nursing concept, metaphor team development and sea, percipience and appreciation
