„Ich habe einfach immer weitergemacht“ Prozessanalyse der Krisenintervention bei einer Klientin mit akutem Erschöpfungszustand

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Published May 1, 2015
Markus Steffen


„I have simply always continued“. Process-analysis of the crisis intervention with a client with acute state of exhaustion. The process analysis of 36 interviews with a client with exhaustion-conditioned crisis is introduced. The interviews are divided into 3 phases each of which is illustrated with a commented conversation cutting. As a theoretical reference framework serves the client-centered crisis intervention concept by Brossi.

How to Cite

Steffen, Markus. 2015. “„Ich Habe Einfach Immer weitergemacht“: Prozessanalyse Der Krisenintervention Bei Einer Klientin Mit Akutem Erschöpfungszustand”. PERSON 19 (1):26-35. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v19i1.2551.


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process analysis, clinical exhaustion, crisis, crisis intervention, empathic understanding
