„… es ist nicht so, dass ich es wegtun kann.“ Der schwere Albtraum als Zugang zu dissoziierten traumatischen Erfahrungen in der Personzentrierten Psychotherapie
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“… actually, I can’t get rid of it.” Heavy nightmares as an approach to dissociated traumatic experiences within person-centred psychotherapy. Traumatised persons often bring their nightmares to the therapy sessions. To work with these dreams within the session gives opportunity for reintegration of dissociated experiences. Therefore we have to attend some constraints, which comes out of the person-centered approach on one side and on the other side out of the particular conditions of these clients. Below, after a short introduction to person-centered dreamwork, there follows a verbatim dream-dialogue equiped with comments, to show the specific phenomenological and person-centered procedure.
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dreamwork, nightmare, trauma, dissoziation, dreaming self