Die natürliche Adaption in der personenzentrierten Psychotherapie Wie sich Therapeutinnen auf Klientinnen einstellen

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Published May 1, 2016
Magdalena Kriesche


Natural adaption in Person Centered Psychotherapy. The article at hand deals with the question how person-centred therapists adapt themselves to their clients and which mechanisms underlie this process. Different forms of adaption like relationship-oriented and aim- and effect-oriented adaption are discussed as well as the selective approach (Hutterer, 2005) within person-centred therapy. Next, the natural adaption is introduced. The article aims to develop a perspective of adaptive proceeding, which can be found between the different forms of adaptive proceeding in person-centred therapy. Furthermore it aims to come up to
the complexity of the therapeutic practice. For the thesis of natural adaption the concept of tacit knowing is especially meaningful, which expresses itself in internalized knowledge about relationships and internalized theoretical knowledge. With a qualitative survey, based on the method of “the personal interview” by Langer (2000), the phenomenon of natural adaption is examined in therapeutical practice.

How to Cite

Kriesche, Magdalena. 2016. “Die natürliche Adaption in Der Personenzentrierten Psychotherapie: Wie Sich Therapeutinnen Auf Klientinnen Einstellen”. PERSON 20 (1):52-62. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v20i1.2528.


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Adaption processes, natural adaption, tacit knowing
