Wie kann Personzentrierte Psychotherapie bei Covid- Patient*innen im klinisch-stationären Setting hilfreich sein?

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Published Nov 1, 2023
Michaela Badegruber


How can person-centered psychotherapy be helpful with Covid-patients in a clinical-stationary setting? This article deals with the clinical-stationary practical experience with infectious covid patients and the interaction-philosophical theories, the fundamental principles of the person-centered approach and the development theories. The data for the conclusions come from my personal experiences and documentations of the therapy units with inpatient covid patients. To create the results, on the one hand the method of self-reflection of personal practice along the person-centered theories and on the other hand the comparison of the general conditions for psychotherapy on Covid wards with the general conditions of psychotherapy in psychiatric wards were used.
Thus, this article explores how individual person-centered interactions can support covid patients. It discusses how to handle the challenges that come with the person-centered work in lack of the required framework, how to ensure authenticity while putting one’s own health at risk and how to deal with one’s limits of empathy when faced with different values.

How to Cite

Badegruber, Michaela. 2023. “Wie Kann Personzentrierte Psychotherapie Bei Covid- Patient*innen Im Klinisch-stationären Setting Hilfreich Sein?”. PERSON 27 (2):88-92. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v27i2.2515.


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infectious covid patients, face to face contact, person-centered psychotherapy/crisis intervention
