Borderline-Persönlichkeitsentwicklungsstörung: Handlungsleitlinien für die Personzentrierte Beratung und Therapie mit betroffenen Jugendlichen

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Published Nov 18, 2023
Heidrun Rust Andrea Hammer


Borderline Disorders-!erapeutic Guidelines for Person-centered Psychotherapy with Adolescents. Adolescents with Borderline-symptoms are at high risk and require therapeutic support. At the same time the therapeutic relationship poses a unique challenge. The approach introduced in this article focuses on the needs of young Borderline-clients in particular, for whom neither a reliable therapy motivation nor trust in the o&ered therapy can be expected. A concept derived from the person-centered approach is described, based on current scientific results on developmental psychology, psychopathology and therapy as well as practical experience. The aim of person-centered therapy is to assist a person in the maturing of his personality through rectifying experiences in the relationship. For adolescent clients the interactional approach, a new development in person-centered therapy with children and adolescents in particular, facilitates a fearfree exploration of cognitive and emotional perceptions and the testing of different options. Guidelines for diagnostics, counseling and therapy of adolescents and their support system are introduced based on the person-centered, disorder-specific understanding of the Borderline disorder.

How to Cite

Rust, Heidrun, and Andrea Hammer. 2023. “Borderline-Persönlichkeitsentwicklungsstörung: : Handlungsleitlinien für Die Personzentrierte Beratung Und Therapie Mit Betroffenen Jugendlichen”. PERSON 21 (1):5-22.


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Article Details


Borderline disorder in adolescence, therapeutic relationship, person-centered approach, interactional therapy, guidelines
