Das Sprachenporträt Ein Instrumentarium in der Arbeit mit traumatisierten geflüchteten Menschen

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Published May 1, 2021
Nina Hermann


The language portrait — A valuable instrument for psychotherapy with traumatized refugees. Language often plays a key role in psychotherapy with traumatized refugees: people possibly cannot find words for horrific events they have had to suffer, so-called “speechless terror”, or else experience a lack of knowledge of the host language. Encountering an unfamiliar culture, the conceivable need for interpreters and the scope of trauma caused by man-made atrocities such as war, persecution and torture should be taken into consideration. In the Person-Centered Approach trust between client and therapist is essential to therapy and
counselling. The so-called “Sprachenporträt”, which means language portrait, as topic of this article, can be a useful instrument to assist clients regaining control and self-determination, thereby honoring their uniqueness expressed by their personal diversity of languages.

How to Cite

Hermann, Nina. 2021. “Das Sprachenporträt : Ein Instrumentarium in Der Arbeit Mit Traumatisierten geflüchteten Menschen”. PERSON 25 (1):44-53. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v25i1.2353.


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flight, posttraumatic symptoms, lived experience of language, interpreter-assisted, psychotherapy, person-centered approach, language portrait
