Die personzentrierte Psychotherapie vor dem Hintergrund neuerer Befunde zur therapeutischen Beziehung

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Published Nov 1, 2021
Helena Maria Topaloglou


Person-centered psychotherapy against the background of recent findings on the therapeutic relationship. This article highlights the current findings of Norcross and Lampert (2019) and Norcross and Wampold (2019) on the evidence-based factors of a therapeutic relationship and the associated importance of reflexive competence (responsiveness) for the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment success. Carl R. Rogers’ core conditions as well as the associated necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic personality change are analyzed and discussed as individual effective factors based on the meta-analyzes carried out. Implications, recommendations, and practical challenges are detailed.

How to Cite

Topaloglou, Helena Maria. 2021. “Die Personzentrierte Psychotherapie Vor Dem Hintergrund Neuerer Befunde Zur Therapeutischen Beziehung”. PERSON 25 (2):109-22. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v25i2.2338.


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person-centered psychotherapy, therapeutic relationship, therapeutic alliance, therapeutic factors of psychotherapy


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