Das Metrum und seine Kraft im psychotherapeutischen Prozess Autoethnografische Betrachtungen zur metrischen Begleitung im Personzentrierten Ansatz

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Published Oct 4, 2023
Manfred Niederl


Das Metrum und seine Kraft im psychotherapeutischen Prozess — Autoethnografische Betrachtungen zur metrischen Begleitung im Personzentrierten Ansatz. This article addresses the metre, the regularity. The term rhythm is well known and commonly used in music and as an expression for the individual movement in one’s own heartbeat — the heart rhythm — and breathing — the breathing rhythm etc. The term metre the regularity – is less well known. Using a metronome, the steady beating of a defined unit of time, the metre becomes more tangible. The recurring beat that comes continuously, reliably in the same temporal measure, conveys a stabilising force that I have experienced in my life in different contexts. This article will reflect on these experiences, further thoughts and possible uses in psychotherapeutic work.

How to Cite

Niederl, Manfred. 2023. “Das Metrum Und Seine Kraft Im Psychotherapeutischen Prozess: Autoethnografische Betrachtungen Zur Metrischen Begleitung Im Personzentrierten Ansatz”. PERSON 26 (1):43-52. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v26i1.2332.


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metre, rhythm, metric guidance, focusing, trauma
